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Barr Yomi Ogunlola Sends SOS to Governor Seyi Makinde

SOS To Governor Makinde!
Let me commence my campaign from here!

Our amiable Governor; a Listening Governor, and, the People’s Governor, has done so much for this State.

Governor Makinde has, by his utterances and actions, shown himself to be a worthy Leader, whose primary objective is ensuring the greatest good for the greatest number of the people of the State. I am unequivocal about that!

The Governor’s achievements speak Volumes and for themselves. But, we will forever remain Oliver Twist! It is in our nature!

In terms of urban roads, Governor Makinde has given a new look to many parts of the State. His works in this area are, for instance, most evident in Ibadan, where the Governor appears to have set for himself, a task that must be done.

I wish however to draw the attention of the People’s Governor to the state of roads in Oyo town.

I was in court in Oyo this morning, and, as soon as I veered off the death trap called “Ibadan/Oyo Express Road”, a responsibility of the Federal Government, I was numbed to find the roads leading into Oyo town and in many parts of the ancient town, in a deplorable and unacceptable condition.

Oyo is a Historic City; a legacy city! It houses a lot of our History as a Yoruba race! It is thus supposed to be a tourist destination!

I know for a fact that the culture ministry is organizing a “Mini Festac”. I want to believe Oyo Town will, no doubt, play a key role in the promotion of our culture in the proposed festival, and, therefore, likely to host many of our guests from far and wide.

I wish, therefore, to appeal to His Excellency, to take the goodness we see in Ibadan, to Oyo Town, and have those roads fixed.

They are shameful, in their present state.

Furthermore, the Governor can come to the aid of the Judiciary and replicate the New Face of our Courts in Ibadan, in Oyo.

That Court has seen better days and should not be so abandoned! It needs a Facelift!

I hope with Ibrahim Lawal as Chairman of NBA Ibadan Branch, his team can collaborate with the Oyo Branch, to realize the dream for a befitting High Court, in Oyo town!

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