Dad, It appears like yesterday when you succumbed to the cruel hands of death. However, it is exactly 12 years today that you departed this earth to keep a date with your Creator.
Yes it is a decade and two years that you left us physically but we your biological and political children have taken solace in the fact that you have chosen to dwell in our hearts.

That we have been able to go this far in our various endeavors is due to the pristine principles that you have ingrained into our psychic. With this, we have been able to successfully navigate the challenges of life into these present positions we now occupy.
Dad, we are happy that the enduring legacy you left behind even after 12 years of your death is still a source of succour to us.

To say that we missed you Dad is an understatement, the vacuum your absence has created in our lives is yet to be filled.
It is with all these in mind that we pray to Almighty Allah to forgive you and grant you Aljanah firdaus, Ameen.
This piece is written by Hajarat Adetola Adedibu, the Special Assistant to Oyo state Governor, Abuja Liason Office.