‘Don’t put Pressure on LG Appointees’ – Hon Akinleye Advises Families and associates of Supervisory Councillors, Special Assistants


The Executive Chairman, Akinyele Local Government this afternoon sworn in the Local Government appointees at the Award Hall Moniya, Ibadan after a through screening exercise by the Legislative Council.

In his speech, the Chairman admonished friends, families and associates not to put undue pressure on the appointees by demanding favors which are far beyond their legitimate earnings/remunerations

Full speech is stated below:

It is my pleasure to welcome you all to this significant and historic occasion of the swearing –in of some of the very dedicated members of our great party – the People Democratic Party (PDP) as Supervisory Councillors and Special Assistants.

You will recall that I was sworn-in along with my Vice Chairman by His Excellency, the Executive Governor, Engr. Seyi Makinde almost two (2) months ago to steer the ship of this Local Government. With today’s event, we now have a full complement of political functionaries that will work assiduously towards implementing the manifesto of our great party and of course the vision of our amiable charismatic Governor who has not left any one in doubt as to his avowed commitment to return the state to its true Pacesetter status among comity of states in the Country and even beyond.

For those of you who are starting their political career and others, public office demands utmost loyalty, commitment and selflessness.

It is on this note that I want to charge you all to see your appointment as a call to service. Your appointment is a testament to your exceptional qualities and passion for the betterment of this Local Government. This is an opportunity that should not be filtered away on the altar of pecuniary gain and frivolities. You should consider yourselves fortunate among array of equally qualified party faithfuls. An opportunity which should not be taken for granted.

I also consider it expedient to let you know that your respective antecedents, capabilities and level of commitment will be taken into consideration in assigning portfolios to each of you. Your watchword should be discipline, hardwork and unalloyed loyalty. These virtues would be the yardstick through which your performances will be measured from time to time.

May I therefore call on the family members and associates of our newly sworn –in Supervisory Councillors and Special Assistants, not to put undue pressure on them by demanding favours which are far beyond their legitimate earnings/ remuneration. Also, I urge the good people of Akinyele Local Government to continue to support our administration. Share your thoughts, ideas and concerns with us. Hold us accountable for our actions and decisions. Together, we can build a brighter future for ourselves and future generations.

We would listen and make amends where necessary. We are equally not aversed to constructive criticisms done with good intentions. The common good of our citizens shall remain our driven force.

Let me reiterate that it will no longer be business as usual. Our administration is determined to block all revenue leakages while optimizing the Local Government’s Independent Revenue potentials in terms of the tapped and untapped sources. The era of nugatory expenditures in governance is gone for good.
We cannot afford to fail our people and with your support, cooperartion and commitment, we shall turn the fortunes of the Local Government around for the better.

In the next few weeks by the grace of God, we shall commence the execution of some people – oriented physical projects across the Local Government, with a view to improving the quality of lives of our people.
As the captain of the ship, I commit myself to ensuring a robust Executive – Legislative working relationship on one hand and Political Office holders – Career Officers on the other.

On a final note, I wish to congratulate you on your well- deserved appointment. May you remain true to your oath of office and the trust placed in your shoulders at this challenging times in our nation’s trajectory.

Thank you all for your rapt attention and God Bless.

Akinyele Local GovernmentExecutive chairmanHon Wole AkinleyeSpecial Assistantssupervisory councilors
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