Hon Babalola Moves Motion To Stop Estimated Electricity Billing In Oyo State, Urges Companies to Provide Meters to Households

The Oyo State House of Assembly has called on Oyo State Government on to prevail on electricity distribution companies to stop the estimated billing of electricity consumers across the in the state.

This was as the lawmaker representing Ibadan Northeast Constituency 1 at the Oyo State House of Assembly moved a motion at plenary on Tuesday to stop estimated billing of electricity consumers in Oyo State.

The lawmaker while elaborating the motion titled “NEEED TO STOP ESTIMATED ELECTRICITY BILLING IN OYO STATE” said the estimated billing is seen as a fraudulent system by the consumers because they are forced to pay for darkness.

Hon Babalola therefore urged the Committee on Energy to invite the management of electricity distribution companies in Oyo State to a meeting with a view to addressing the issue of estimated billing and to providing customers with prepaid meters.

“Notes that Nigeria has one of the most significant energy deficits privatization Over the years, successive Governments embarked on different measures aiming towards improving and boosting electricity access, most importantly, having uninterrupted power supply by 2030.

“One of such measures is the privatization of the power sector in 2013, which aims to improve the power sector efficiency, attract investments, and increase the total amount of electrical power generated. However, as 2030 draws by having a considerable electricity supply is a problem let alone uninterrupted.

“This has continued to cause dissatisfaction for electricity consumers.
Further notes that despite the unavailability of electricity most of the times in Nigeria, specifically in Oyo State, consumers are made to pay exorbitant electricity bills. Due to the inability of the distribution companies to meter all their costumers, exorbitant billing was made possible by a wicked means dubbed Estimated Billing.

“Estimated billing system involves meter estimation instead of an accurate meter reading. The calculation of electricity consumed is based on uninterrupted electricity supply and use and since uninterrupted power supply is yet to be achieved in Nigeria, the estimated billing system is seen as a fraudulent system by the consumers because they are forced to pay for darkness.
Aware that the presence of unmetered customers has encouraged estimated billing which is often unfavourable to the consumer.

“This has allowed some of the electricity distribution officials to be extorting the consumers on the one hand and cheating their companies on the other hand. one of the major determinants of positive economic turnaround of any society is electricity, the importance of stable electricity especially for small scale businesses cannot be overstated because businesses like such cannot afford to power generator considering the price of petrol and diesel in the recent times.

“Further aware that Estimated Billing is a major contributor to losses as customers have resulted in illegal and corrupt practices to get out of paying these bills they considered exorbitant, which has led to constant and frequent clashes between the electricity distribution company’ employees and customers. The attempt to ensure that their businesses get on is leaving people in the hands of unscrupulous officials and making some people to result to illegal connection.

“Observe that if meters could be provided for the consumers, the issue of estimated billing will be a thing of the pass and by so doing the distribution company would be confident of recouping their investment and the consumers satisfied that they are not arbitrarily charged. Mr. Speaker, this House recently passed the Electricity Regulations Bill into Law and the Governor of the State has assented the Bill.

“This is a great effort towards ensuring that the State in partnership with some private companies put the generation, distribution and management of electricity under its control. While this is in progress, the distribution companies in Oyo State within the present setup must be called upon to provide meters for their customers to avoid issues of estimated billing.

“Resolves to urge the Committee on Energy to invite the management of the electricity distribution companies in Oyo State to a meeting with a view to addressing the issue of estimated billing and to providing customers with prepaid meters
Mr. Speaker I beg to move.”

electricity distribution companiesestimated electricity billingHon Abiodun BabalolaIbadan Northeast Constituency 1metresOyo AssemblyOyo Government
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