Hon Modiu Akande Urges Oyo Govt To Construct, Rehabilitate Public Toilets Across State


The Oyo State House of Assembly has called on the Oyo State Government to construct toilets in public places across the state.

This was contained in a motion moved during plenary on Tuesday by the lawmaker representing Ibadan Southeast Constituency 1, Hon Akande Modiu.

According to the lawmaker, he decried the level dilapidation of the facilities in most public places such as markets, government ministries, agencies, schools, motor parks among others.

He said this was posing serious threats to the ongoing campaign against the menace of open defecation.

The lawmaker said the rehabilitation of the existing public toilets will create sanity, healthy and eradicate diseases.

The motion was co-sponsored by Hons M.O Akande (Ibadan South East 1), O.A Owolabi (Ibadan North East II),

At Olajide (Lagelu) and O.A Omikunle (Ibadan South East II), A.O Babalola (Badan North East 1).


Notes the saying that, “cleanliness is next to godliness”. In addition, a clean environment establishes healthy living Open defecation is the practice of passing excreta in open fields, waterways and open trenches without proper disposal of human excretal. It is also classified as unimproved sanitation. Inspite of Fifteen (15) years of conjunctive efforts under global action plans such as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGS), targets for improved sanitation were not met which implied access to improved sanitation facilities (flush latrine or pit latrine) were not enjoyed by a great percentage of the populace of developing nations. Research had shown that 90% of people who reside in rural areas indulge in this nefarious act which pose significant health risk such as transferable infectious diseases, diarrhea, typhoid, cholera. And viral infections persist in some localities with almost 85% of the open defeacators living in rural areas while people in the poorest quintile are nine times more likely to defecate in the open than those from the riche quintile

Further Notes: that the current reality in the country is the problem of open defecation caused by the lack of provision of toilet which has steadily and gradually resulted in serious diseased condition on many already frustrated Nigerians particularly in our Constituencies (Ibadan South East I and II) where so much expectations rest on our shoulders as their elected representatives in this hallowed chamber. This is a real scenario in areas such as Suliya Adedeji Memorial Primary School Agbongbon Maternity Center, Labo, Oranyan, Market area. These are unique communal structure of Yoruba parlance referred to as, “Agbo ile” and other localities at Ibadan South East I and II constituencies specifically.

Aware that Suliyat Adedeji Memorial Primary School is majorly affected with the menace of open defecation because people in the area usually defecate inside the classroom due to non-availability of public toilets in the area thereby posing a threat to the learning process and activities of the School.

Also, Agbongbon Maternity Centre that is expected to be neat and tidy always witness defecation and this is very risky for the health of the residents of the area. Mr. Speaker Sir, distinguished colleagues, Oranyan market is a popular market within Ibadan South East Local Government. The market also lacks public toilet and this has negative effect on business transactions in the market.

Further Aware that the 9th Oyo State House of Assembly passed Oyo State Open Defecation Prohibition Law, 2021. Section 3 of the Law states that, nobody shall defecate or deposit faeces in open places anywhere in the State.

Further Notes that his Excellency, the Executive Governor of Oyo State, Engr. Seyi Makinde; a friend of the commoner and leader per excellence has passionately committed himself and the present Government to the welfare and well-being of the people, as part of measures to ameliorate the suffering of the masses of Oyo State. He mapped out plans in the “Omituntun 2.0” to create an enabling environment for healthy living of the citizenry to cushion the effect of open defecation.

Observes that according to 2021 Water Sanitarian and Hygiene (WASH) National Outcome Routine Mapping on Nigeria’s Sanitation status, 48 million people practice open defecation while 95 millions were without access to basic sanitation services. There is a need to do things differently by meeting demand for public toilets. The private sector can work closely with all tiers of Government. In addition communities play a huge role in sustainability and strengthening sanitation in markets and public places.

Further observes that open defecation pollutes the environment, exposes children and adults to critical health problem like diarrhea, (leading to untimely deaths).

Notes that open defecation negatively portrays the State and does not attract tourists and investors thereby leading to low internally generated revenue of the State

Resolves to urge the Executive Arm Of Government:

(i) through the Ministries of Environment and Ecology, Health, Education, Science and Technology,Local Government and Chieftaincy Matters and Oyo State Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency to set up a Coordinating Committee Team to draw up a sustainable plan for construction of public toilets in some designated areas such as schools, markets and other public places in affected areas across the State;

(ii) through the Ministry of Information to intensify advocacy to the Oyo State populace to sensitize them to the prevalence and danger of open defecation.

(ii) through relevant MDAS to ensure that motor parks, shopping complexes, markets, restaurants, education, financial institutions, public, private buildings, communities, petrol stations and recreation centres make provision for functional lavatory and “WASH” system.

(iv) through the Bureau of Physical Planning ensure that no private building or business site plan is approved without provision of toilet facilities and those whose toilets are not properly maintained be sanctioned appropriately; and through the Ministry of Local Government and Chieftaincy Matters: and

(v) through the Ministry of Local Government and Chieftaincy Matters

(a) be urged to ensure that Sanitary Officials implement the Open Defecation Prohibition Law, 2021 to ensure compliance.

b) urge Local Governments and Council Development Areas LCDAS in Ibadan South East to make provision for public toilets and mobile toilets in strategic locations as well as the effective maintenance.

building of toilets in public placesHon Akande ModiuIbadan Southeast Constituency 1Oyo AssemblyOyo Governmentrehabilitation
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