By Olajide Hamzat
Dreams are like seeds. We plant them and watch as they germinate and bear fruits. To have them grow and germinate properly, we must water and nurture them constantly and consistently. Like babies, we must attend to them carefully and caringly. In farming, season is everything. The time we plant and till the land differs from when we must attend to the seeds for nurturing or they wither due to our negligence. While season is everything in planting, timing and spacing equally play pivotal roles in the grand scheme.

As farmers, and of course, dreamers, faith also plays a crucial role in shaping and conspiring with the universe to do its wonders. That, it is not just enough to plant, relax, and go back to bed. You must have faith in the process and ultimately success of your efforts. Faith that changes and transforms dead seeds to blossom and bear greater fruits. In faith, your anchor may be God or anything you believe in. To weather the storms of planting and the experience of waiting, it is crucial to have faith and stick to it. Ask farmers, they will tell you the power of faith and dream.
Farmers are dreamers but they work with vision of how they want their farmland and plants to turn out. They work in anticipation and expectation of faith premised on sound judgment. For newbies farmers and dreamers, the idea of faith may sound pretty chilling and counter-intuitive. But it is part of the process. You cultivate and wait. You watch the growth of your plant and wish the time to harvest comes faster than imagined. Fortunately, the time will come when you are left with nothing but to harvest. The joy and smile on your face melt and dissolve your worries into nothingness.
In the moment of harvest, a farmer can temporarily forget about all the backbreaking efforts and the sleepless nights. But those nights and days under the scorching sun and blistering weather have a way of coming back when least expected.
They have a way of reminding the farmers and of course the dreamers of what it takes to arrive at that rare junction of accomplishments and fulfilments. Amofin Beulah Adeoye is a dreamer and a farmer. In farming, he learns the patience to watch and wait. He is also acutely aware of the challenges of waiting.
He knows too, that the space between planting and harvesting can disorient and discourage many from fighting for what they believe in. While many sleep more than they dream, Amofin Beulah Adeoye dreams more than he sleeps. As an accomplished lawyer, Amofin Beulah understands the incredible power of dreams.
He is still a dreamer and will continue to dream big while taking up challenges and responsibilities capable of changing and transforming millions of people.
To live a life of legacy, the personal dream is not enough. In essence, you must be able to envision a world where others are inspired by your vision and dream. An elevated dream is one where you create a flourishing atmosphere for millions of dreamers to stand on the shoulders of giants as they see beyond their counterparts across the World. Amofin Beulah Adeoye is aiming for elevated dream where countless others will have all the tools to live their purpose driven lives will be readily available, accessible and affordable.
Olajide Hamzat writes about the various prospect and potential of Oyo state while projecting Amofin Beulah Adeoye as a solution provider, problem solver and creative, adaptive and innovative leader and thinker with compassion and empathy.