IGBAOTUN: Unleashing The Greatness Within

IGBAOTUN: Unleashing The Greatness Within


By Olajide Hamzat

The essence of government is to do those things which private citizens cannot do for themselves. That quote is attributed to Abraham Lincoln, one of American finest and greatest Presidents. In retrospect, this quote reflects the idea that government exists primarily and purposely to address collective needs and provide essential services that individuals alone would struggle to achieve. Think of infrastructure, security, health, national interest, and public welfare.

Undoubtedly, only government has the capacity to massively invest in infrastructural development that spread and scattered across the curves and contours of a given boundaries or territories. Providing social safety net for the people in addition to addressing other societal issues, only a legitimate structure and system recognized under the law can properly and effectively handle and harness people’s most pressing concerns in a way that foster development.

Taking a step back to the origin of government. Thomas Hobbes in the modern political thought posited that the system of government we know today emanate from the collective experience people endured in the state of nature. In effect, the Hobbesian’s school of thought timely reminds us of how solitary, poor, brutish, short and nasty the society, one that ultimately defined Charles Darwin’s survival of the fittest, the elimination of the unfit in his classical theory of evolutionary biology. As such, people came together to individually submit a part of their right and freedom to the LEVIATHAN, who in turn deploy those right in the interest of the people and society at large.

He said the turning point and momentous moment for humanity’s quest towards orderliness as against the rampant chaos was when they submitted to leviathan. But overtime, we’ve seen the breach of this trust by those in charge of people’s affairs in large scale. In most cases, we’ve seen the heart of darkness in man and the danger of unchecked and accounted power and authority. Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana once remarked that absolute power corrupt power absolutely. Better we agree with him.

Essentially, there is little an adaptive leader can do outside of real power, influence and authority that comes from official capacity. To effect incremental and far-reaching changes and unleash the greatness within, it is imperative for creative thinkers to step in the line and take charge of the mantle before charlatans undermine the government and ruin the social fabrics with administrative malfeasance and ineptitude.

In Nigeria, as we have it in Africa, we’ve had leaders who lack the artistry and creativity to think big and act in the defense of their people’s interest. Harnessing the huge potential of Africa and particularly Nigeria for its growth and development has always remained an existential issue for years. Whether in the blistering heat of the Sahara or in the restless sea of the Mediterranean or in the Horns of Africa or the Magrib, the story of leaders with no minds of their own is the same. Perhaps, the recent waves of coup d’état in Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali and Guinea Conakry, are the manifestations of the failure of elected leaders.

As a lawyer of repute and patriot of the highest order, Amofin Beulah Adeoye stands strongly and gingerly as truly change maker. He is no doubt a giant by all definitions. Quite amusingly, only a giant can help unleash the GREATNESS within a state or a country with his magic wand.

Olajide Hamzat writes about the various prospect and potential of Oyo state while projecting Amofin Beulah Adeoye as a solution provider, problem solver and creative, adaptive and innovative leader and thinker with compassion and empathy.

Amofin Beulah AdeoyeIGBAOTUN: Unleashing The Greatness WithinOlajide Hamzat
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