To prevent the hard – won freedom and relentless struggle for independence by our heroes not to be in vain, all hands must be on deck to Foster Peace, Orderliness, Unity, Security and Truthfulness regardless of Political, Ethics or Religious differences.
These were part of the statement by Oyo State House of Assembly as contained in a release to felicitate citizens of the Pace Setter State and Nigerians at large to commemorate the 63rd Independence day.

The release , signed by the House Chairman, Media and Public Affairs, Hon. Waheed Akintayo stated that Nigerians must not only commemorate the work of our fallen heroes, but should endeavour to join hands in the spirit of oneness and togetherness to achieve even the most daunting task in the reclamation of the Nation.
“Independence Day is an annual celebration filled with enthusiasm and pride, serving as a reminder of Nigeria’s liberation from British Colonial rule. This day honors the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters, those who fought for our freedom and future . It’s a day when every Nigerian should take a moment to reflect on the hard – worn equity and renew their commitment to uphold the values of liberty, equality and justice. This Independence Day, let us honour our glorious Nation and pledge to always strive for its betterment”
The Assembly noted that Nigeria is passing through tough times now, occasioned by her economy, being hit hard by the global economic down turn and especially by the removal of fuel subsidy saying this calls for rededication inorder to meet up with the challenges without further apportioning blames to Government, Groups or individuals.
” This is a time to rededicate all to the task of Nation building and continue to work hard at building a formidable Nation in Africa and the world at large.”
“At this point when democracy has come to stay in Nigeria, the entire citizenry should use the occasion of the 63rd Independence Anniversary to redefine where we should be as a Nation and support leaders who are capable of given us our desired country.” the Statement reiterated.
The House Stressed that Nation building is not limited to Government alone, but every citizen has a role to play by complementing government efforts and keeping vigilant at all times against dangers posed by those who have continued to undermine democracy and peaceful co- existence.
Thanking the people of Oyo State on confidence reposed on the legislative arm , the House Stated that the 10th Assembly will continue to make and amending people — oriented laws and Resolutions that will pave ways for lives improvement and greater growth of the State.
The release however urged members of the Public to keep hope alive in the quest to build a prosperous State and Nation as envisioned by founding fathers, expressed optimism that Nigerians would soon begin to experience the true benefits of democracy.
” As we reflect, and celebrate our 63rd Independence Anniversary, we must remember to keep hope alive by dedication to service, courage to uplift the Nation at all times and the supreme sacrifices for our common purpose.” The Statement concluded.