Oyo Govt to Review WASH Policy to Improve Water Supply Says Elias Adeojo


The partnership of the Oyo State Water Corporation with UNICEF and Water Aid Nigeria will impact the standard of living of the residents of the state.

The Executive Chairman of the State Water Corporation, Hon. Elias Adeojo disclosed this in a three day stakeholders’ meeting held with the top Management of UNICEF and Water Aid Africa, Mr. Mohammed Okorie, UNICEF’s social policy manager and Mr. Adebayo Alao, consultant of the Water Aid Africa recently at Ilaji Resorts, Akanran.

The Chairman stated that the meeting which was facilitated and organised by UNICEF/WATERAID Nigeria was held in order to review and harmonise the WASH policy which had been in existence for close to a decade.

He enthused that the renowned humanitarian international body, United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) shown interest on the WASH project based on the developmental strides of the State Government. Hon. Adeojo added that the onus of the WASH policy is to pave way for easy access to grants from NGOs like Water Aid Africa and CSOs both local and foreign.

Hon. Adeojo added that the review and harmonization of the WASH policy is crucial to the State’s collaboration with reputable International donors like UNICEF, WaterAid Nigeria and others. He emphasized that with the review of the policy in place, it would pave way for the State to enjoy the good gestures of UNICEF and others alike.And that it would be beneficial to the residents of the State to continue to enjoy the services of the Corporation.

In the same vein,the Executive Chairman while paying a courtesy visit to the new acting Managing Director of Ibadan Electricity Distribution Company,Mr. Francis Edoha,said that the earlier promise of the Corporation to revitalize Asejire Water Supply Scheme is on course but noted that it is taking more than the projected time due to the fact the sedimentation tanks had been caked for long.

He therefore reassured the new acting Managing Director of the commitment and partnership to work together on provision of adequate power supply to the Schemes of the Corporation.He also reiterated that power supply is crucial to the services of the Corporation.

In his response,Mr. Francis Edoha assured the Chairman of adequate power supply as requested,as well as mutual partnership between the two organizations.

Executive chairmanHon Elias AdeojoOyo State GovernmentOyo State Water CorporationUNICEFWASH policy
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