Com. Abdulfatai Adeyemi LeGaCy host the National AGS of the Nigerian Youths Congress who also doubled as the Rt. Hon Speaker Nigerian Students Parliament And His Team Yesterday In Ibadan.

The meeting commenced at exactly 10:45am with the presence of thirteen personality inclusive the Rt. Hon Speaking Speaker Who Doubled As The National AGS of the Nigerian Youths Congress embleming the youths interests across the State and activities goes as follows:
(1.) The Agenda of the meeting was read out in a more louder voice by the Chief Servant Of The State Chapter Of The Nigerian Youths Congress In Person Of Com. Abdulfatai Adeyemi LeGaCy.
(2.) Opening Prayer Follows Immediately By Com. Hammad who doubled as the SA to the chairman on societal matters.
(3.) The Chief Servant of the Congress introduce the presence of Rt. Hon Jabir BODINGA to the midst of the leadership of the Nigerian Youths Congress in OYO STATE in a more dimensional way.
(4.) Reading Of The Last Meeting Follows Immediately without no much delay by the Assistant State Secretary of the Nigerian Youths Congress in Oyo State on person of Com. Nurudeen Ayinla OLAKANMI.
(5.)A Commendable Opening Speech to welcome the NYC National Delegates was given in details by the Chief Servant Of The Congress in person of Com. Abdulfatai Adeyemi LeGaCy.
(6.) A Comprehensive Reports On How Far The State Chapter Of The Nigerian Youths Congress has gone was as well giving in details to showcase the commitment they have made to embellish the Youths Parlance in the state by Com. Abdulfatai Adeyemi LeGaCy.
(7.) At This Juncture, The National Delegate Who doubled as the National AGS of the Nigerian Youths Congress and at the same time Rt. Hon Speaker Nigerian Students Parliament, gave an insight of what exactly does the Nigerian Youths Congress mean in abstract, adding that the Congress has been registered as far back as when the Hon Minister SOLOMON DALUNG was in office and that the Nigerian Youths Congress in Nigeria has put all it takes in place to move in line with other International Youths Congresses across the world.
(8.) The National AGS added that the National Leaders has been going here and there to make sure that both the vision and mission of the Congress were undoubtedly achieved by meeting with the concern personality and added that the meeting held Two days ago online in commemoration of the Nigeria Democracy Day where we have governors and the Youths Leaders Brainstorming On The Progress Of Nigerian And The Need For Youths Of Today To Go exactly the way they aims and not otherwise.
(9.) The National AGS also added that the State Chapter Must Put the interests of the majority Youths in The State first and not their personal interests so as to achieve the already set goals for the Congress.
(10.) The National AGS added that he is strongly moved with he sawed in OYO STATE that the future of the pace setter youths in indeed the most priority of the leadership of the Nigerian Youths Congress in the State.
(11.) And Lastly, The National AGS added that no matter how the situation seems, the State leaders should maintain their steadfastness in the course of struggles and be GOD fearing in all there dealings as account will undoubtedly be giving in hereafter on how our lives were all spent.
(12.) The Arrival Of The SSA to the Deputy Speaker of oyo state in person of Hon Nurudeen BALOGUN who was honourably welcome to the midst of the Nigerian Youths Congress Leadership Meeting with an appraisal chants.
(13.) The Chief Servant Of The Congress stood on for and made a proper introduction of Hon Nurudeen Balogun and extensively talked about his kindhearted gestures that has made the struggles of the Nigerian Youths Congress to easier since his emergence as the Chairman of the Nigerian Youths Congress In OYO STATE.
(14.) The Oyo State Chairman Of the Nigerian Youths Congress in person of Com Abdulfatai Adeyemi LeGaCy added that if the efforts been made by the Hon Nurudeen Balogun could be paid for, the congress should get ready for nothing less than millions but for the Loves he Hon Nurudeen has for the youths he also belonged, he was able to do all he could to promote the youths parlance in the state.
(15.) Hon NURUDEEN stood on foot here by saying that he did nothing for the Congress but for the generation he also knows that he belonged and needed to be embellish from its present shape.
(16.) Hon Nuru Balogun added that the loves he has for the CHAIRMAN of the Nigerian Youths Congress in Oyo State intuited him to go extra mile to ensure that the aims and objectives of the Congress is directly achieved.
Aftermath, the floor was opened for every partakers of the progressive meeting to ask questions and suggest a clear direction to a satisfactory chamber for the Nigerian Youths Congress of our dream through the following contributions:👇
• Com Kabiru ADESOKAN who doubled as the State Public Relation Officer to the congress said the youths across the State are fully aware of the Nigerian Youths Congress and as such the Aims And Objectives of the Congress has been critically studied and smoothly taken to drive the Congress to its promised Land.
• Com Siliyah who also doubled as the State Deputy Chairman of the Congress added that the National AGS of the Congress in person Rt. Hon Jabir BODINGA is honourably welcome to the pace setter State and that the Congress are very much happy to have his caliber amidst the Nigerian Youths in Oyo State and most importantly for taking his time to elucidate on what exactly the Nigerian Youths Congress Means in abstract.
• Com Suliyah also thanks and appreciate the presence of Hon Nuru Balogun to the midst of the Nigerian Youths Congress and added that it’s indeed a blessing to have heard that the progressive minded personnel Nuru Balogun has taken a drastic measures to ensure that the Congress achieve all its goals.
• Com Suliya appreciate the State Governor Of The State (GSM) For Deeming it fit to have been given the least youth in the society the liberty to lead in his administration and plea that the State Governor Should do more.
• Com Suliya added that the Congress should do away with any forms of misconduct that May defame the integrity the Congress has built for years.
• Com Suliya Also Appeal to the AGS national that he should help the State chapter of the Nigerian youths Congress to tell the National President that the pace setter State are very much ready to host the whole national leaders for face to face talks.
•Com Taiwo Bolaji who doubled as the State Vice Chairman Oyo Sought Senatorial District. added that the National AGS should work together with other National Team to maintain the integrity the Congress has built for year by doing things just the way it should be done.
• To this end, there are serious contributions from Every angles that the most priority to proper as a Congress is UNITY because it’s only in unity that we achieve our aims as volition.
(17.) The Chief Servant of the Congress appreciate the contributions of all the speakers and added that the National AGS should please deliver all the state leadership messages to the national officials of the Congress as all the pleas to him were progressive and even befitting ones for the Nigerian Youths while the following should also be strictly noted: 👇👇
1. That no intellectual garden has ever been led on mere platter of words but with a binding documents, that’s the Constitution of the Congress should be giving the most priority and be made available in haste to be our guidance all.
2. That the National President and his officials should works so hard to bring back the losing glory of this country called Nigeria by organising a more befitting National Or International Youths Submit were the youths from Every zones in Nigeria will be re orientate on the need to come together as a one to fought a course and continue protecting the name been built for over 50years by our forefather as unity remained the only pillar of a successful democratic setting.
3. That the National Officials should please do all they could at their end to stick to the Vision, mission and aims and objectives of the Congress with no iota of derailing.
(18.) Haven’t heard from Every angles, the National AGS of the Congress in person of Rt. Hon Jabir BODINGA stood on foot to promised that the National President And his officials have gone far to have sustained the approval cum recognition of the Congress at the ministry of youths and sport development and will not relent until victory is recorded for this generation holistically.
Votes Of Thanks!!!
this was diplomatically done by Com (HON) Suliya who doubled as the Deputy Chairman Of The Congress in the pace setter State who appeal to the National AGS and the governing board of the Congress to works hand in hand with the minister of youths and sport development Hon Sunday DARE. while the State Chairman (Com LeGaCy) also added that the National President and his officials should make that Nigerian were not only allowed to be part of governance but also be part of the decision makers.
Motion For Adjournment!!!
This was raised by Com. CaTaLySt who doubled as the internal auditor of the Nigerian youths Congress in OYO STATE and Seconded by Com Shamsideen who also doubled as the State Vice Chairmen Oyo Central Senatorial District that the Congress meeting should be adjourn until further Notice.
The Meeting Lasted For 4hours 30minutes.
Com. Abdulfatai Adeyemi LeGaCy
Com. Nurudeen Ayinla OLAKANMI
Asst. State Secretary