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Chief Lamidi Ariyibi Adedibu: A Pillar of Generosity and Political Sagacity // By Amb. Taofeek Arapaja


Sixteen years ago, the people of Oyo State and Nigeria at large lost a titan of political influence and humanitarian benevolence, Chief Lamidi Ariyibi Adedibu. As the leader of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Oyo State and the esteemed Ekerin Olubadan of Ibadanland, Chief Adedibu’s life was a testament to selfless service, unwavering generosity, and a profound commitment to social justice.

Chief Adedibu, fondly remembered as “Baba”, was renowned for his unparalleled generosity and philanthropy. Every Friday, without fail, his Molete residence transformed into a sanctuary of hope for the poor, the needy, and the physically challenged. His weekly offertory was not merely a tradition but a lifeline for countless individuals. Baba’s heartwarming gesture of providing food and monetary assistance symbolized his deep-seated belief in the intrinsic worth of every human being. His charitable acts extended beyond immediate aid; he paid school fees for his grandchildren and awarded scholarships to indigent students, embodying his conviction that education was a powerful tool for societal upliftment.

Chief Adedibu despised the oppression of the poor by the affluent and influential. He was a relentless advocate for the downtrodden, using his influence to dismantle the barriers erected by societal hierarchies. His political philosophy was rooted in the belief that power should serve as a vehicle for empowerment, not subjugation. This belief was vividly illustrated in his efforts to elevate individuals from humble backgrounds to positions of power, demonstrating that we are all equal before God. Baba’s ability to identify and nurture talent from unlikely quarters was one of his many gifts to Oyo State and Nigeria.

A significant chapter in my life cannot be penned without acknowledging the profound impact of Chief Adedibu. Baba embraced me as his loyal protégé, guiding me with wisdom and affection. This relationship was a beacon of loyalty and mutual respect, and Chief Adedibu’s mentorship played a pivotal role in shaping my political journey. Baba’s influence was instrumental in ensuring that my biography remains intertwined with his legacy.

Chief Adedibu’s stature in Ibadanland was monumental, often described as constituting half of the city itself. His influence transcended political boundaries, as he was a unifying figure who championed the cause of inclusivity. His role in making Otunba Adebayo Alao-Akala the Governor of Oyo State is a testament to his visionary leadership. Despite opposition from the Ibadan elites who believed that the Governor must emerge from Ibadan, Chief Adedibu’s insistence on merit and capability over regional favoritism underscored his commitment to equity and justice.

Baba’s Molete residence was not just a home but a bastion of support and sustenance for his followers. He would go to great lengths, even selling property, to ensure that there was food for his followers both morning and night. This unwavering dedication earned him the moniker of the “Master of Amala Politics,” reflecting his deep connection to the grassroots and his commitment to their welfare.

In remembering Chief Lamidi Ariyibi Adedibu, we celebrate a life that exemplified generosity, courage, and unwavering dedication to the upliftment of the oppressed. His legacy continues to inspire, reminding us of the profound impact one individual can have on the lives of many. Baba’s life was a beacon of hope and a testament to the power of compassion and justice in shaping a better society. His memory will forever remain etched in the hearts of those who were touched by his kindness and inspired by his vision.

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