IGBAOTUN: Amofin Beulah Adeoye, A Future of Shared Prosperity
By Hamzat Olajide
The leadership of a thing is not for the faint hearted or lily livered. Apart from the enormity of sacrifice and commitment required at all time, one must also be able to create a vision that will reverberate and resonate with the people wherever they are. This is one of the reasons leadership can be such a daunting and audacious task. Audacity of Hope by Barrack Obama reflected the exploration of his vision for America’s future, blending personal narrative with political philosophy.

That memoir captured the dream of the boy with a funny name in the land of the dreamers. It was a treatise that echoed a future of shared prosperity in a land of abundance. Through personal travails and triumphs, Obama’s rise to the peak of American political landscape was instructive. For one, it takes more than a dream to be visionary. One must be practical and pragmatic, adaptive and creative, courageous and compassionate. One must also be able to dare greatly and be ready to brave the wilderness. In Daring Greatly, Brene Brown explores the power of vulnerability as a key to building meaningful connections, fostering creativity, and leading a fulfilled life. Her extensive research on shame, courage, and empathy helped her to challenge widespread misconception that vulnerability is a weakness, reframing it as the birthplace of innovation, trust, and resilience.
To create a future of shared prosperity where diligence and discipline will play significant role, it means, leaders must be able to envision a world that is not yet in existence. By creating an imaginary but realistic world, such a leader tends to strike a balance between the ideal society and one that is currently in place. In Oyo State for instance, such a leader must be able to combine the wisdom of the elders and the wit of the youths for the prosperity of the people. He must be able to see the potential in our state and invest heavily in the actualization of our dreams. He must be able to see abundance in scarcity, opportunities in challenges and success in struggle. He must cultivate the four interior empires Robin Sharman noted as true success requirements: Mindset, Heartset, Healthset and Soulset.

In the 5 AM Club, Sharman argued that an individual (leaders or followers), must cultivate a positive, growth-oriented way of thinking, nurture emotional health and well-being, prioritize physical health through fitness and proper care and foster spiritual awareness and connection to a higher purpose.
This is where Amofin Beulah Adeoye comes into the picture. Whether in private conversation or public engagement, Amofin Adeoye has nurtured this unbridled passion for the growth of Oyo State. He loves this state with his heart. For instance, in one of his recent interviews with the fearless and eloquent ace broadcaster, Edmund Obilo, Amofin Adeoye articulated his idea in a charming, thought provoking way, offering insights into his governance philosophy. In that chit-chat, he spoke brilliantly of his plan to see the whole of Oyo State connecting not only by road but by rail. He asserted that with a federal railway in Moniya, farm produce from across the agrarian local councils will easily get to Lagos for exportation as the case may be. For anyone interested in the pace setting glory of Oyo State, Amofin Beulah Adeoye’s vision represents and reflects a seismic shift in the anal of our state history. He’s going to create a future of shared prosperity for all and sundry.
Olajide Hamzat writes about the various prospect and potential of Oyo state while projecting Amofin Beulah Adeoye as a solution provider, problem solver and creative, adaptive and innovative leader and thinker with compassion and empathy.