JUNE 12 ANNULMENT:A Moment of Sober Reflection– Aderibigbe Busari
I feel so sad anytime i remember dat Nigeria as a nation has once had a freest, fairest and credible election. There is nothing as disheartening as having a credible election and d credible election was short lived by a unilateral decision.
As another June 12 is commemorated today, issues verging on the nations renascent democracy have resurrected again.

The electoral victory of June 12 1993 general election did not see the light of the day as the then military head of state , General Ibrahim Babangida who superintended over the exercise, cancelled and annul the poll despite the wide acceptability of the result by both local and international observer.
June 12 election is the manure that accounted for the country democratic progress.
The ardent democracy followers from Obasanjo to Yaradua, to Jonathan and to the present incumbent President are indirect beneficiaries of d supreme price Moshood abiola paid.

The democracy the nation savours today cannot be divorced from the event of 1993 particularly the supreme sacrifice made by Abiola.
The ultimate sacrifice made by chief M.k.O Abiola nourished the seed that freed Nigeria from the yoke of the military.
Abiola died for democracy to survive but wat he did not bargain for is the criminality and banality that has become of it.
Chief M. K. O Abiola was the symbol of the freest, fairest and transparent election in the annals of our history, an election where no blood was shed, where a Muslim muslim ticket won, an election dat was devoid of tribalism, religious chauvinism, ethnicism, regionalism and favouritism.
Subsequent election in Nigeria could have maintained this laudable quality if the election was not subverted by anti Democratic forces.
Conclusively, June 12 remain a day of sober reflection in Nigeria because it was a day the sovereignty of majority of Nigerians were traduced.
June 12 remain an indelible stain in our polity.
I can”t end this piece without asking this pertinent question:
Written by: Aderibigbe Yisahu Ajibola Busari.