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Olubadan Throne: Much Desperation About Nothing // By Morufu Smith


Oba Yesufu Oloyede Aṣanike was the 37th Olubadan of Ibadanland. He ascended the throne in 1983 after the demise of Oba Daniel Akinbiyi. Oba Aṣanike was deterioratingly frail and fragile when he was coronated in 1983 that one thought he won’t last a day on the throne. I was at his coronation inside the unused Olubadan Palace at Ọja-Iba.

Yet, he turned out to be the most witty, most humourous, most charismatic Olubadan that Ibadan has ever produced, spending ten years on the throne before he joined his ancestors in 1993.

Late Oba Emmanuel Adegboyega Adeyemo, the 38th Olubadan, was older than Oba Aṣanike. He was the Ọtun Olúbàdàn when Oba Aṣanike was Olubadan.

Baba Tẹsọra, as we fondly called him at Isalẹ jẹbu then, ascended Olúbàdàn stool after Oba Aṣanike transited in 1993 and Oba Adeyemo went on to spend five years on the throne. He became Olubadan at the age of 89, the same age Olubadan designate, Owolabi Olakuleyin, is now!

Late Oba Yinusa Ogundipe Arapasowu was the 39th Olubadan. He had some health challenges which threatened to stop his coronation. But reasons of tradition, culture and morality prevailed and he was coronated and went on to spend eight years on the throne.

The 40th Olubadan was Oba Samuel Odulana Odugade who became Olubadan at the age of 91 and spent nine years on the throne.

Destiny played a deciding role on who became the next Olubadan after Oba Odugade’s demise. The Balogun of Ibadan was High Chief Sule Omiyale and the Otun Olubadan was High Chief Omowale Kuye.

Late Oba Saliu Adetunji was the Otun Balogun directly behind Sule Omiyale. A story went round that Sule Omiyale and Saliu Adetunji were close friends and it was Sule Omiyale who prodded Saliu Adetunji to become the Mogaji of his Alusekere Compound at Popoyemoja in 1976. Yet, when it was the destined turn of Saliu Adetunji to become the 41st Olubadan, it was the death of Omowale Kuye and Sule Omiyale that paved way for him.

The point I am making here is that desperation can never push anyone to become Olubadan. Whether you’re a high chief or crown wearing oba, you cannot bamboozle yourself to the throne. You’re at the mercy of what’s beyond your control.

If you’re not destined to become Olubadan, you will die today if it’s your turn tomorrow no matter how healthy. If you are destined to ascend Olubadan throne, no matter how unhealthy, destiny will ask death to tarry to allow you to ascend Olubadan throne before death can come to take your soul away.

After the death of Oba Senator Lekan Balogun, who spent just two years on the throne, the next Olubadan by the reckoning of Ibadan chieftaincy system is Oba Akinloyè Owolabi Olakuleyin. Whether he is in good health or not, no chief, high or low, can determine his fate regarding Olubadan stool.

Having been appointed as the Mogaji of Okusagba Family of Ìta Baalẹ Olugbode in 1983 and having become Jagun Balogun in 1986, rising through 22 steps to become Balogun of Ibadanland, it’s fair, just, reasonable and morally right to allow him to attain the peak of Olubadan chieftaincy journey.

Let other high chiefs or obas eschew desperation and join hands to make Akinloyè Owolabi Olakuleyin the next Olubadan of Ibadanland. The Ọtun Olúbàdàn of Ibadanland, High Chief Rashidi Adewolu Ladoja has displayed uncommon maturity in ensuring that Owolabi Olakuleyin is nominated and announced to the public.

Let other members of Olúbàdàn-in-Council join hands with him to give Ibadan a rancour free coronation as always.

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