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Ogbomoso Ruling Houses Unite Against Chief Imam, Defend Soun’s Honour


In a show of solidarity, the five family heads (Mogajis) of the Soun of Ogbomoso ruling houses, on Wednesday, came together to address the controversial issue surrounding the Chief Imam of Ogbomoso, against the paramount traditional ruler of the land, Oba Ghandi Afolabi Olaoye, Orumogege III.

During a press conference held at the Ogbomoso Palace, the family heads explained that the purpose of the gathering was to clarify misinformation being spread, regarding the Chief Imam’s dispute with the Imam Ayilara family and to condemn the abuse directed at the Soun of Ogbomosoland.

The ruling houses emphasised the unacceptable nature of the Chief Imam’s behaviour, particularly his insistence on involving the Soun in a matter that should be resolved within the family.

The family heads recalled that the conflict began when the Imam Ayilara family alleged that the Chief Imam was not a legitimate member of their family.

However, the Soun established several panels to investigate the issue, and each recommended that the Chief Imam stepped aside to resolve the matter with his family.

Despite initial attempts at mediation, the ruling houses argued that the Chief Imam’s actions have only worsened the situation, including spreading falsehoods and filing lawsuits against the Soun and the Soun-in-Council.

The family heads described such behaviour as unprecedented and sacrilegious, emphasising the importance of respecting the authority of the Soun.

The ruling houses made it clear that any recent appointments made by the Chief Imam are considered null and void due to a lack of approval by the Soun, as per custom and tradition.

In the same vein, they highlighted that the Ogbomoso Central Mosque belongs to the Soun and is not affiliated with any particular religious group.

Meanwhile, the family heads expressed their refusal to be distracted by the Chief Imam’s actions, adding that their commitment to await the verdict of the ongoing court cases.

They extended their gratitude to all those who have demonstrated patience and understanding during the challenging time.

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