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Photos: Hon. Oladeji Oparinde Improves Accessibility for Farmers in Afijio


…Grades Rural Roads for Improved Farm-to-Market Access

In a bid to promote ease of access for farmers in AFIJIO State Constituency of Oyo State, Hon. Oladeji Oparinde, a lawmaker in the state House of Assembly, has embarked on grading rural roads, making it easier for farmers to transport their produce to the market.

The lawmaker, who represents the constituency, prioritised the improvement of farm-to-market connectivity, recognizing the crucial role that agriculture plays in the economy of the region.

The project, which included the grading of Oparinde market-Imini road (3.5km), Okediji-farm settlement road (2.3km) and Okediji-Obananko road (1.2km), has been met with positive feedback from the local farming community.

Hon. Oparinde, the lawmaker behind the project, explained his rationale for embarking on the road grading initiative, stating: “Agriculture is the lifeblood of our community, and it is important that we do everything in our power to support our farmers.”

“By making it easier for them to transport their produce to market, we are also supporting the local economy and the livelihoods of countless people in the area.”

Oparinde emphasised the importance of investing in rural infrastructure as a means of promoting sustainable development and economic growth complimenting the efforts of Governor Seyi Makinde in critical sector among others.

“Our farmers have been facing a range of challenges, from poor roads to limited access to markets, and I felt that it was my duty to address these issues as their representative.”

“By improving the accessibility of our roads, we can help to unlock the potential of our agricultural sector and create more opportunities for our farmers and their families.”

Hon. Oparinde also stressed the need for a collaborative approach to development, stating that the road grading project was just the beginning of a wider effort to improve rural infrastructure and promote sustainable development in the AFIJIO State Constituency.

He further announced that the next phase of the development would be the improvement of city roads, commitment to enhancing accessibility to markets and other critical services for the overall betterment of the constituency.

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